Student Handbook
- Attendance
- Report Cards
- Cell Phones
- Personal Appearance
- Personal Displays of Affection (PDA)
- Other Behaviors
- Student Supports
Call 851/1300, Press option “9” to report your student’s absence. You can leave a message 24 hours a days |
LUMS strongly encourages regular attendance every day for the full day. Regular school attendance is required by state law for all students until the age of sixteen. Parents must call the school by 8:30 AM to report their student absent. Dial 851-1300, press option “9” to report a student absent. Our voice mail system will take your message 24 hours a day. If this call is not received, students must present a note from a parent or legal guardian to the Attendance Secretary when the student returns to school. If a note is not received the absence will be considered unexcused. (See Attendance/Truancy Policy for further information)
It is recognized and will be considered that there are certain instances when a student’s absence cannot be avoided. It is the parent’s responsibility to maintain and produce documentation supporting a student’s absence. Students may be excused for absences related to:
Illness - absences that exceed ten (10) days per year must be documented by a medical professional. Undocumented absences beyond ten (10) days per year will be considered unexcused.
Family emergency or death in the immediate family
Religious observance
Appointments with professional health care providers, including mental health providers, which cannot be scheduled during non-school hours. In order for these appointments to be “excused”, they must be documented with a note from the professional.
Legal activities such as court appearances.
Pre-planned family commitments and activities which have obtained prior approval from a school administrator using the Pre-Planned Absence Form, which can be obtained from the office.
Other school or educationally related activities which have been approved by the administration using the Pre-Planned Absence Form.
Report Cards
Purpose: To communicate with parents/guardians and the student regarding progress toward district identified academic learning standards and work habits such as participation, preparation and work completion.
Principles of Grading
Grades and reports are based on clearly specified learning goals and performance standards.
Evidence used for grading should be in line with proficiencies being taught.
Grading will be based on established criteria.
Not every assignment will be included in grades.
Grades are based on standards and take into account the student’s most recent work, not the average.
Report academic achievement and Habits of Work separately.
Grades Defined
4 - Expanding/Exceeding Standards: Consistently meets most requirements for exceptional work related to course standards and demonstrates a deep level of knowledge and skill for this point in the school year.
3 - Proficient/Meeting Standards: Consistently meets most requirements for proficient work related to course standards and demonstrates grade level knowledge and skill for this point in the school year.
2 - Developing/Approaching Standards: Consistently meets some requirements for proficient work related to course standards and demonstrates some grade level knowledge and skill for this point in the school year.
1 - Beginning/Attempting Standards: Consistently meets some requirements for proficient work related to course standards and demonstrates little grade level knowledge and skill for this point in the school year.
N/A - Not Applicable: Used if a student has not handed in sufficient work for there to be a grade.
INC - Incomplete/Insufficient Evidence: Insufficient evidence has been gathered to indicate an accurate grade.
M - Modified Grade: Progress indicated reflects student achievement based on a modified standard. Details may also be noted in the comment section.
When a student has partiel success at the next higher level a .5 decimal may be added to the grade.
Non - Academic indicators will not be calculated into the academic grade.
Grading scale for Non - Academic Indicators
4 - Consistently
3 - Often
2 - Sometimes
1 - Rarely
Retention: Sometimes despite our best efforts, students do not experience academic success. Students who need academic assistance will be monitored and plans implemented throughout the year. While research does not support retention at the middle school level, a process is necessary to keep parents informed of their student’s performance.
Student grades will be available and updated on a regular basis.
Students whose overall academic performance is at a “1” will be identified and parents formally notified each progress report and report card period.
Teams will meet to review student history, current performance, and possible options for support. Parents will be contacted to discuss and/or meet regarding these options, which may include retention if all are in agreement.
Parents will be notified of high absenteeism.
Add/Drop Procedures: An Add/Drop Form must be completed for any changes in a student’s schedule. Classes that may be added or dropped are: any high school courses added to a student’s schedule, chorus or band.
Cell Phones
Cell Phones/Personal electronic devices: Cell phones are often a distraction from the academic and community building activities that take place in school. To support students in focusing on academic learning and social skills acquisition, students will not be allowed to use their personal devices (such as a cell phone) during the school day. If a student is caught using their cell phone during the school day the following consequences will occur:
- 1st time phone will be in the office for the day and student can pick it up at the end of the day;
- 2nd time the student is caught the phone will go to office and a parent or guardian must come in to get the phone;
- 3rd time and beyond the student is caught they will lose the phone and parents and guardian will need to come in to help create a plan for the student to be successful with not using the cell phone during the school day.
Phones, if they are brought to school, may be locked in the homerooms’ iPad cabinet or kept out of sight and turned off. If a student needs to contact their parents or make transportation arrangements, they can use the office phone. If a student needs to use their cell phone/electronic device, they must have specific permission from the administration. We ask that parents and family members NOT call or text students on their cell phones during school hours. If a parent/guardian needs to reach their student, they should contact the office at 851-1300.
REMINDER: If a student is sick, a student may not use their cell phone or classroom phone to make arrangements to be picked up by a parent. They MUST go to and be dismissed through the nurse’s office.
Personal Appearance
The students at LUMS are proud of their individual appearance and the freedom to express themselves through fashion. It is our goal to continue the tradition of our students presenting themselves in a positive manner. The following expectations apply to the school day, as well as outside school activities (extra-curricular, athletics, dances, field trips, etc.).
Students shall not wear articles of clothing that are adorned with sexulally suggestive slogans, profanity, lewd pictures or other displays which may be offensive to another's race, religion, national origin or other federally protected class.
Students shall not wear clothing or jewelry that advertises tobacco, alcohol, drugs or other harmful substances, or firearms.
Students hall wear shoes or sandals to school and class. Slippers and Wheelie Shoes may not be worn.
Clothing shall cover chest, midriff, butt and groin area.
Hoods may not be worn in the building as they limit student vision and student identification.
Halloween Masks may not be worn.
Students who do not follow the personal appearance guidelines at LUMS may be sent home to change into appropriate school apparel or parents will be called to bring in appropriate apparel to school. Refusal to comply will result in additional disciplinary action.
Personal Displays of Affection (PDA)
Being overly affectionate in school creates an environment that is not conducive to concentration and learning; therefore, students should refrain from inappropriate, intimate behaviors on campus or at school related events and activities. Students are expected to show good taste and conduct themselves respectfully at all times. This includes respect for others as well.
Student Expression: Students enjoy the right of expression as provided by state and federal law. The student may not, by speech or conduct, disrupt classwork or educational programs; or cause substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others (directly or indirectly); or substantially interfere with the requirements of appropriate discipline, education programs or other activities in the operation of the school. The use of vulgar, offensive, lewd or indecent speech or conduct is prohibited.
Elevator: The elevator is for use by those who cannot use the stairs. All other students and staff are expected to use the stairs.
Other Behaviors
Prohibited Items: Personal electronics including: iPods, hand held electronic devices/games, cell phones, cameras and related items may not be used or visible. This rule is in effect because these devices are distracting, easily broken, and targets for theft. All hazardous or illegal substances, explosives and weapons, including hunting knives and aerosol cans (ex. Cans of Axe), are strictly forbidden on school property. It is recommended to leave cell phones at home. Administration reserves the right to prohibit any item deemed a safety issue or a detriment to the learning environment.
Restraint: It is our practice not to restrain students at LUMS. In situations where the safety of students and/or staff is in question, all necessary actions will be taken to protect the physical well-being of all concerned. If physical restraint is anticipated, the School Resource Officer (SRO) will be summoned. In the event a restraint occurs, a report will be made to the school administrator as soon as possible, but in no event later than the end of the day of its use. Parents will also be notified.
Students and Locker Searches: School authorities maintain supervision, control and jurisdiction of students who participate in or attend any school activity, whether on or off School District premises. The principal or designee is authorized to search a student, locker, cubby, personal property (e.g. wallets, purses, pockets, backpacks, etc.) while on or off school premises, at a school sponsored activity, or while in-transit on a school bus or other transportation authorized by the District.
Student Supports
The faculty and staff at LUMS work together to support our students both academically, emotionally and socially. Our team structure with the looping from 7th to 8th grade helps to build supportive understanding relationships between students and their peers as well as faculty and staff. We have several support structures built into the school day to assist students.
School Counseling: All students have access to our school counselor, who may meet with students regarding school based academic, social or emotional concerns, help serve as the liaison with teams, and suggest special services and outside agencies, if appropriate for more long term and/or intensive needs. The counselor will sometimes run groups to support students with common concerns.
Educational Support Team: Schools in Vermont have Educational Support Teams (EST) to assist students having educational or other difficulties at school.. Referrals to the EST can be made by a counselor, an educator, a parent, or a student. After a student is referred to the EST, a plan for assistance will be developed and implemented by the team. Parents or students who wish to make a referral or get more information may ask any of their child’s teachers or inquire at the office. At LUMS the Educational Support Team includes the student’s teachers and any other person such as a guidance counselor who is already involved with the student or could have suggestions for support.
Student Support Center: Staff provide a variety of student supports within the school setting. Supports for approved referrals can include breaks, refocusing strategies, and Check-in-Check-out programs. Staff also assist in communication among teachers and students in and out of the classroom. Students can access these supports through a referral process. Faculty and parents can request a referral form by contacting the office or the team.
Section 504: If a student has a documented disability, but does not qualify for an IEP, a 504 Plan may be appropriate to support the student, In keeping with federal law, we ensure education to students with disabilities who do not meet special education guidelines. Accommodations are made to assist students and a Section 504 Plan is created by a team of classroom teacher(s), parents and others as needed to provide assistance. Both the type and extent of the disability determine the accommodations. Annual meetings are held by a team of educators and parents to review the Section 504 Plan with the supervision by an appointed administrator. All information in this process is completely confidential.
Special Education Plans: A documented disability can affect a student’s access to learning. If this is the case, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed to help students learn and succeed to the best of their ability. It is the policy of Lamoille Union and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) reauthorization in 1977. We will be sensitive to the learning needs of all students and to the greatest extent possible, provide educational services within the general classroom setting.
This implementation will consist of:
1. Strict adherence to state and federal eligibility standards.
2. Complete confidentiality for all students.
3. On going training for general educators and collaboration with special education teachers to ensure compliance to accommodations for students receiving special education services.
4. Additional assistance as determined by the special education team comprised of parent(s), classroom, and special education teachers and service providers.
School Resource Officer: In cooperation with the Lamoille County Sheriff’s Department, LUMS shares a full-time School Resource Officer (SRO) with the high school. This person helps teachers and administrators when necessary, works with students and is an added safety presence in the building. The SRO is also a resource for students who have questions or concerns about community issues and the officer can support students in finding a better path or by providing information.