Lancer Pride Expectations
You Just Can’t Hide That Lancer Pride! Achieve Academically
Promote a Positive Attitude
Initiate Action
It is the goal of all members of the LUMS community to maintain a safe and effective learning environment. LUMS has a proactive team-based framework where emphasis is placed on prevention of problem behavior, development of prosocial skills, and use of data-informed problem solving. Our Lancer Pride Expectations promote our core values of respect, responsibility, and safety, and our commitment to being firm, fair and consistent. Part of building our school community is to help all members learn how to be proud Lancers. To help in this goal we have three Lancer Pride Expectations that are listed above.
Expectations for Achieving Academically
Organization - Students organize themselves through consistent use of assignment notebooks, and they find materials efficiently.
Work completion/revision - Students complete all class and homework assignments to the best of their ability, including work missed due to absences.
Preparation - Students come to class with necessary materials (i.e. textbook, assignments notebook, paper, pencil or pen etc.)
Time Management - Students effectively use all available study time throughout the day and outside of schoool for academic purposes.
Study Skills - Students work in collaborative groups, recognize the need for study partners, seek out help from others when needed, and identify and utilize study strategies as needed.
Expectations for Promoting a Positive Attitude
Collaboration - Students work in groups in assigned roles to complete tasks while listening to and supporting the efforts of others.
Communication - Students communicate effectively using a variety of strategies (written, oral, technological, non-verbal strategies).
Participation - Students demonstrate engagement by actively listening and contributing to classroom activities.
Advocates for Self and Others - Students express needs and feelings in a constructive manner; students are aware of the effect of their behaviors on others.
Expectations for Initiating Action
Attendance - Students attend school regularly, arrive on time, and are prepared to be engaged in their learning.
Responsibility - Students make positive choices, learn from their mistakes, recognize that their actions affect others and restore any harm done.
- Citizenship - Students contribute positively to the greater LUMS community by taking pride in their school environment and speaking/acting respectfully.